#!/usr/bin/env sh # Check for packages JQ_VERSION=$(jq --version 2>/dev/null) if [[ ${JQ_VERSION} == 'jq-1.3' || ${JQ_VERSION} == 'jq-1.4' || ${JQ_VERSION} == 'jq-1.5' || ${JQ_VERSION} == 'jq-1.6' ]]; then echo 'ERROR: installed jq version is too old; must be at least 1.7' exit 1 elif [ -z ${JQ_VERSION} ]; then echo 'ERROR: please install jq 1.7+' exit 1 fi NICKLE_LOCATION=$(which nickle) CURL_LOCATION=$(which curl) if [ ! -f "${NICKLE_LOCATION}" ]; then echo "ERROR: please install Nickle" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "${CURL_LOCATION}" ]; then echo "ERROR: please install cURL" exit 1 fi # Only accepts 1 argument: the Minecraft version to download LOOOKING_FOR= if [ -z "${1}" ]; then echo "usage: ${0} " exit 1 else LOOKING_FOR="${1}" fi PLATFORM=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') MANIFEST_LIST_URL='https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json' mkdir -p assets/indexes echo 'Retrieving version manifest...' VERSION_MANIFEST_URL=$(curl "${MANIFEST_LIST_URL}" 2>/dev/null | jq -r "(.versions.[] | select(.id==\"${LOOKING_FOR}\")).url") if [ -z "${VERSION_MANIFEST_URL}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find requested version" exit 1 fi mkdir -p manifests VERSION_MANIFEST=$(curl ${VERSION_MANIFEST_URL} 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' | tee "manifests/${LOOKING_FOR}.json") # Some versions contain illegal escape sequences which will crash some shells such as Ksh; double-escape it just to be safe # 1.12 and earlier, natives and regular libraries are contained in different elements. For 1.13 and later, an element may contain both. echo 'Downloading libraries...' for I in $(echo "${VERSION_MANIFEST}" | jq -c .libraries.[]); do if [[ $(echo "${I}" | jq .downloads.artifact) != 'null' ]]; then echo "Library '$(echo ${I} | jq -r .name )' found - downloading..." mkdir -p libraries/$(dirname $(echo ${I} | jq -r .downloads.artifact.path)) curl $(echo ${I} | jq -r .downloads.artifact.url) > libraries/$(echo "${I}" | jq -r .downloads.artifact.path) 2>/dev/null fi if [[ $(echo "${I}" | jq .natives) != 'null' ]]; then echo "Downloading native for platform '${PLATFORM}'..." if [[ $(echo ${I} | jq -r ".downloads.classifiers.\"natives-${PLATFORM}\"") == 'null' ]]; then echo "WARNING: Mojang does not distribute a '$(echo ${I} | jq -r .name)' native for this platform. This is probably not an issue unless you are using an obscure platform." else mkdir -p libraries/$(dirname $(echo ${I} | jq -r ".downloads.classifiers.\"natives-${PLATFORM}\".path")) curl $(echo ${I} | jq -r ".downloads.classifiers.\"natives-${PLATFORM}\".url") > libraries/$(echo "${I}" | jq -r ".downloads.classifiers.\"natives-${PLATFORM}\".path") 2>/dev/null fi fi done echo 'Retrieving asset index...' ASSET_INDEX=$(echo "${VERSION_MANIFEST}" | jq .assetIndex) echo 'Retrieving object list...' OBJECT_LIST=$(curl $(echo ${ASSET_INDEX} | jq -r .url) 2>/dev/null | tee assets/indexes/$(echo ${ASSET_INDEX} | jq -r .id).json) HASH_COUNT=$(echo ${OBJECT_LIST} | jq '.objects | length') echo 'Downloading required assets. This may take a few minutes.' MCRESOURCES='https://resources.download.minecraft.net/' if [[ "$(echo "${ASSET_INDEX}" | jq -r .id)" == 'pre-1.6' || "$(echo "${ASSET_INDEX}" | jq -r .id)" == 'legacy' ]]; then # Release 1.6 and prior use a different asset layout while read -r LINE; do H=$(echo ${OBJECT_LIST} | jq -r ".objects.[\"${LINE}\"].hash") DIR="${H[0]}${H[1]}/" mkdir -p "$(dirname "assets/virtual/legacy/${LINE}")" curl "${MCRESOURCES}${DIR}${H}" > "assets/virtual/legacy/${LINE}" 2>/dev/null echo "Downloaded: assets/virtual/legacy/${LINE}" done <<< "$(echo "${OBJECT_LIST}" | jq -r '.objects | keys[]')" else IND=0 for I in $(echo "${OBJECT_LIST}" | jq -r .objects.[].hash); do IND=$(echo "${IND}" + 1 | nickle) DIR="$(echo "${I}" | cut -c1-2)/" mkdir -p "assets/objects/${DIR}" # If file exists, check its integrity with hash and skip if it's good if [[ -f assets/objects/${DIR}${I} && $(cat "assets/objects/${DIR}${I}" | sha1sum | sed -e 's/ (stdin)//') == "${I}" ]]; then # Removing (stdin) is not needed for most sha1sum implementations echo "${IND}/${HASH_COUNT} (${DIR}${I}) is already downloaded; skipping. ($(echo "printf(\"%5l\", ${IND} / ${HASH_COUNT} * 100)" | nickle)%)" continue; fi curl "${MCRESOURCES}${DIR}${I}" > "assets/objects/${DIR}${I}" 2>/dev/null echo "Downloading ${IND}/${HASH_COUNT}: ${MCRESOURCES}${DIR}${I} ($(echo "printf(\"%5l\", ${IND} / ${HASH_COUNT} * 100)" | nickle)%)" done fi echo 'Downloading minecraft jar...' CLIENT_URL=$(echo "${VERSION_MANIFEST}" | jq -r .downloads.client.url) mkdir -p "libraries/com/mojang/minecraft/${LOOKING_FOR}" curl "${CLIENT_URL}" > "libraries/com/mojang/minecraft/${LOOKING_FOR}/minecraft-${LOOKING_FOR}-client.jar" 2>/dev/null echo 'Finished!'